Patrick Patterson

Non-Profit and Recovery from Addiction Expert, Leader & Advocate

Passionate about creating a more effective and sustainable landscape for recovery community organizations, Patrick is dedicated to enhancing the lives of those affected by addiction and shaping the future of recovery. His commitment to people, community, funding mechanisms, and advancing recovery systems of care has significantly influenced both the current and future landscape of state recovery efforts, resulting in more solutions and resources for individuals living in or seeking recovery from addiction.

Patrick was hired as the Executive Director at BWROC – Blue Water Recovery & Outreach Center on October 24, 2018. In this role, he oversees the organization and is responsible for fund development. Additionally, he serves as Vice Chair of the Michigan Opioid Advisory Commission, Vice President of the Michigan Association of Recovery Community Organizations (MARCO), and Vice President/Treasurer of the East Shore Leadership Academy. Patrick is a dedicated state advocate for addiction and recovery.

Before joining BWROC, Mr. Patterson spent 10 years at Freedom One Financial Group, Michigan’s largest independent 401(k) provider, where he served as the Financial Services Manager.

Mr. Patterson co-authored Michigan’s first recovery support services bill in 2018, which was enhanced in 2020. He also serves as an advisor to local non-profits and earned his BA in Business from Western Michigan University in 2003.

Outside of work, Patrick takes great pride in his daughter. They enjoy watching and playing sports, helping others, and growing together.

Barbara Alexander

 Barbara is the Center Manager at Blue Water Recovery and Outreach Center. She is a Recovery Coach Professional Facilitator, State Certified Peer Recovery Coach through MDHHS, Certified Master Life Coach, Certified Medical Assistant, blessed mother of 3, and grateful person in long term recovery.

Barbara knew at a very young age that she had a fondness for the euphoria alcohol gave her. Barbara started drinking around the age of 14 and never really stopped for decades. In her 20’s she experienced with multiple different substances but alcohol was always her first love. Barbara had a lot of trauma throughout her life and with each event she turned to alcohol. The last 8 years before getting sober for any considerable amount of time was the absolute worst.

Barbara has since dedicated her career to helping others like her to find their way out of that dark tunnel and into the love and light that recovery offers. Barbara has found that there are many pathways to recovery and she loves to be able to sit with each individual and assist them in discovering what helps them heal, what gives them hope, and how we can help each other on this journey of recovery. None of us get through this battle alone and she is beyond honored to be able to advocate for those who come to us for help.

Nicole Bickel

On September 18th 2017 Nicole made a decision to change her life and build a life of recovery. Her journey is filled with triumphs, learning new things and just being available where she is needed. She continues to develop her spiritual foundation through yoga and is an active member in recovery. Nicole is a mother, a partner, a daughter, a person in long term recovery, and peer recovery coach for BWROC, Blue Water Recovery and Outreach Center.

Elijah Bennett

Elijah is a grateful recovering addict and Peer Recovery Coach at BWROC. He is from Port Huron, MI, and a present father of 2 girls. He has been in recovery since 02-06-2020 by applying the 12 step programs and by the grace of his Higher Power. Through the process of recovery he has learned a new way to live and gained tools to become a productive member of society. He went from having a life that felt like it was not worth living, to having a bountiful and filling life that is full of limitless opportunities. His recovery has been an path of self discovery, recognition, spiritual awakenings and growth.

At this stage of his journey, Elijah is committed to self maintenance, continued growth and most importantly, helping others who are seeking recovery. Since being in recovery he’s given back to the community in many ways. Some of these include volunteering at the county jail, providing service work at multiple meetings, sponsoring others, and helping people find success in their recovery journey.

Elijah believes he could be even more of an impact to the community by furthering his education, becoming more involved in other pathways and spreading awareness.  He loves what he does and feels it is his purpose to help others. “Recovery has given me a better life than I’ve ever known.  It is possible for me, so I’m here to let people know that recovery is possible for anyone.”

Angela Valdivia

Angela was born in Pasadena, California and graduated in the class of 2000 at Temple City High School located in Temple City, California. Despite growing up in a relatively good environment, addiction started right after high school. After years of addiction, sick and tired of being sick and tired, Angela started her recovery journey in September of 2021. 

Angela is thankful for her Higher power, her children, Narcotics Anonymous and her support group which help her through hardships. Angela has a passion helping others and giving back to the community that has so freely given to her. Angela was hired at BWROC family in March 2023 as Recovery Support Specialist/Advocate. She is working to help make a difference in her community by bringing the message that recovery is possible. 

She also serves as the AREA public relations and outreach for the Blue Water Area Narcotics Anonymous. She is passionate about her kids, her family, her faith and giving back!

Kim Thomas

Kim is an active participant in the Port Huron recovery community having served as a sponsor in the twelve-step programs and currently working as a Peer Recovery Coach at the Blue Water Recovery and Outreach Center. In November of this year she will celebrate her 4 year milestone. Kim is caring and supportive individual who is passionate about helping those in the recovery community. She is the mother of four kind-hearted adults an the grandmother of one talented grandson. Kim’s intrests lie in art and creativity, specifically painting. She uses her artistic talent to help individuals see a different perspective in the recovery process, as it has helped her.